Learning Skills with Age
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Raises chin while lying on stomach | 1 month |
Raises chest while lying on stomach | 2 months |
Reaches for objects but misses | 3 months |
Head set forward, steady lumbar curvature | 4 months |
Turns over from lying to supine position | 4-6 months |
Sits on lap, grasps objects | 5 months |
Sits on high chair, grasps objects | 6 months |
Sits alone with good posture | 10 months |
Creeps and crawls, pulls to standing position | 11 months |
Walks with help, walks alone | 12 months |
Climbs stairs steps | 13 months |
Walks alone unsupported | 18 months |
Sits self in small chair | 18 months |
Walks carrying large objects | 20 months |
Raises self from sitting position with hips first | 22 months |
Runs well without falling | 2 yrs. |
Kicks ball without overbalancing | 2 yrs. |
Jumps with both feet on place | 2.5 yrs. |
Picks up objects from the floor without help | 2.5 yrs. |
Stands on one foot without falling over | 3 yrs. |
Pedals tricycle | 3 yrs. |
Understand few words | 11 months |
Points to 1 named body part on request | 1 yr. |
Stops activity to name objects | 1 yr. |
Stops activity respond to “no” | 1 yr. |
Points to familiar persons, objects on request | 1 yr. 3 months |
Follows one-step simple command | 1 yr. 3 months |
Points to 3 named body parts on request | 1 yr. 5 months |
Follows two-step command | 1 yr. 8 months |
Points to 5-6 pictures of common objects on request | 1 yr. 9 months |
Points to 5 body parts on self or doll | 1 yr. 10 months |
Follows 3-step command given once | 2 yrs. |
Understands 200-400 words | 2 yrs. |
Understand 800 words | 3 yrs. |
Verbalizes past experiences | 3 yrs. |
Points to big, little, soft, loud | 3 yrs. |
Follows commands with 2-3 actions | 4 yrs. |
Understands app. 1,500 words | 4 yrs. |
Says first word | 10 months |
Shakes head and says “no” | 11 months |
Imitates sounds of others (“mama”) | 1 yr. |
Uses 3 words in speaking vocabulary | 13 months |
Use of verbs appear | 14 months |
Uses at least six words | 17 months |
Refers to self by name | 21 months |
Uses me and you | 2 yrs. |
Says 50 to 200 words | 2 yrs. |
Knows full name | 2 yrs. |
Uses plurals | 2 yrs. |
Asks questions | 2 yrs. |
Uses negatives in speech | 2.5 yrs. |
Enunciates vowel sounds | 2.5 yrs. |
Enunciates consonant sounds | 3 yrs. |
Speech is about 75 to 80% intelligible | 3 yrs. |
Uses 3 to 4 syllable words | 3 yrs. |
Says 6 to 8 word sentences | 4 yrs. |
Speech is about 90 to 95% intelligible | 4 yrs. |
Sucks and swallows liquids | Birth |
Gagging reflex | Birth |
Sucks and swallows liquids from spoon | 2 months |
Eats strained baby foods from spoon | 3 months |
Brings hands against bottle when eating | 3 months |
Sips from a cup that is held | 4 months |
Gets excited at sound of food preparation | 4 months |
Holds spoon with assistance | 5 months |
Can feed self soft food | 6 months |
Begins to bite and chew food | 6 months |
Holds own bottle | 7 months |
Can chew small lumpy food | 8 months |
Can take bottle out of mouth & put it back | 9 months |
Can use fingers to feed salt | 10 months |
Holds cup with two hands | 1 yr. |
Chews table food | 1.3 yrs. |
Grasps spoon & places in mouth with some spilling | 1.3 yrs. |
Can manage spoon without help with little spilling | 1.5 yrs. |
Requests for food when hungry | 1.11 yrs. |
Requests for liquid when thirsty | 1.11 yrs |
Can hold small glass with one hand without help | 2 yrs. |
Can use fork to get food | 3 yrs. |
Can spread butter on bread | 3 yrs. |
Can help set table | 4 yrs. |
Can use a fork to separate food | 4 yrs. |
Can pour water from pitcher to glass | 4 yrs. |
Can use a knife to cut food | 5 yrs. |
Can set the table without assistance | 6 yrs. |
Can pull and tug at clothing | 3-4 months |
Holds out limbs when dressing | 1 yr. |
Can remove shoes by self | 1.2 yrs. |
Can place socks on feet by self | 1 yr. |
Can pull up pants | 1.6 yrs. |
Can unzip | 1.7 yrs. |
Attempts to put on own shoes | 2 yrs. |
Pulls up pants | 2 yrs. |
Undresses self | 30 months |
Can put on shirt and coat | 30 months |
Attempts to place feet in shoes | 30 months |
Can choose own outfit | 3 yrs. |
Can unbutton clothes | 3 yrs. |
Places clothing on in correct direction | 3.6 yrs. |
Can dress and undress with supervision | 4 yrs. |
Can button front buttons on clothing | 4.8 yrs. |
Can zip up and down/snap simple snaps | 5 yrs. |
Can tie shoes with bows | 5.6 yrs. |
Can unlace bows on shoes | 5.6 yrs. |
Dresses self completely | 5.6 yrs. |
Cries when removed from bathroom | 5 months |
Splashes water with hands and feet | 6 months |
Grimaces when face is washed with cloth | 6 months |
Exhibits resistance to washing face | 8 months |
Can open and pull out drawers | 1.6 yrs. |
Can wash front of body while in bath | 2 yrs. |
Can run a brush through hair | 2.5 yrs |
Can brush teeth with assistance | 3.6 yrs. |
Can wash and dry face with towel alone | 4 yrs. |
Can brush teeth alone | 4 yrs. |
Can put away toys with supervision | 4 yrs. |
Can hang up clothes on hook | 4 yrs. |
Brushes hair alone | 5 yrs. |
Hangs up own clothes alone | 6 yrs. |
About 4 bowel movements a day associated with waking up | 1 month |
2 bowel movements a day either at waking up or after being fed | 2 months |
Some delay shown between feeding and elimination | 4 months |
Stays dry for 1 to 2 hours interval | 7 months |
May awaken at night & cry to be changed | 1.5 yrs. |
May indicate wet pants | 1.5 yrs. |
Has only occasional accidents | 1.10 yrs. |
Uses same words for both functions of elimination | 1.10 yrs. |
Begins to differentiate between elimination functions | 2 yrs. |
Climbs on to toilet by self | 2.6 yrs. |
Can control bladder for up to 5 hours | 2.6 yrs. |
Begins to develop a routine for elimination | 3 yrs. |
Attempts to wipe self but fails | 3.6 yrs. |
Stays dry at night | 4 yrs. |
Can toilet self without assistance | 5 yrs. |
Washes & dries own hands after toileting | 5 yrs. |
One bowel movement a day | 5 yrs. |
Posted byDoc Junhel at 12:33 AM